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Monday, December 30, 2019

2020 CPRX Project List

Hey All,

Well, just two more days to 2019 and then it will be 20 years since the year 2000 meltdown of all the computers on the planet.  Ok that never happened, but can you believe it's been 20 years since that!  Seems just a few years ago.

In 2020 I have a few important dates/deadlines to meet, of course to serve y'all.  One is my re-start of ops on February 29th and another is So Cal Ops in June.  My friend, Mark Bridgwater, is preparing for Dixie Ops in October and thus we both have some scary goals!  As a result, we have been talking about what we are going to get done on our railroads in 2020 and we've created lists.  Here is mine and I think I have to be retired to get it done but that won't happen this year anyway.

The first order of business is starting ops again on February 29th and then operating every other month of the year.  Operating has always been my goal for the railroad when I started it 20 years ago.

- Dispatcher Panel complete and operating by the end of January

- Operator Phones installed and working by mid-February

- Start doing video on Youtube

- Add layout to Facebook

- Torrance Train Sale March 14th (Selling what I can't use anymore due to backdating the railroad)

- Signaling complete and operating by end of May

- Add a second LocoNet buss by the end of May (Might be moved into 1st quarter)

- Add 250 more cars to railroad with resistor'd wheels by end of May

- Preliminary ground cover around railroad by end of May

- Re-build loop scenery in second half of year (Damaged by contractors)

- Fix scenery in canyon and at Ilmon in second half of year

- Paint mountains on backdrop in second half of year

- Install trees/brush/grass on upper level after backdrop painting in second half of year

- Install last area of new track work in Fresno and have operating in second half of year

- Pour water into river at Kingsburg in second half of year

Shit if I get all this done I'll be stylin!  What tends to slow me down, other than my work schedule, is planning and researching which I love, but this takes so much time out of actual labor.  It's all fun though.

Clearly I won't be able to accomplish all this on my own.  Wanna help with projects please touch base especially if there is anything you are good at or love to do.  I can always use help and will pay you with food!  LOL

Oh and by the way, if you are going to be visiting the Los Angeles area, please touch base prior to your trip and perhaps we can plan at least a visit or an op session.

Happy Railroading,
Frank Kenny
Torrance, CA

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